Language: Spanish
Actors: Guadalupe Alonso, Gabo Correa, María Clara Merendino, Mirella Pascual & Guillermo Pfening
Director: Julia Solomonoff
This one shook me, it caught me completely off guard. The first 50 minutes was just another movie chronicling adolescence. It was about this little girl who suddenly loses the attention of her big sister, and is extremely upset about it. She knows her sister has become a big girl, being a doctor's inquisitive daughter she understands the process.
In the absence of her sisters company she decides to go with her dad for a ranch / farm vacation, just her dad, dog and herself. There she meets Mario, the boy who would prove his manhood in a matter of days. The son of the caretaker of the farm, who has discontinued his studies to assist his father in running the farm and as well as horse racing.
Things change from a movie about adolescence to something more sensitive when she & Mario go for a ride (together) on a horse and she finds blood on the saddle, on the riders side when Mario is at the helm.
This is the moment the film changes its colour. The typical “Application form” loving people we are we can’t relate to certain dictates of the reality. There also can be situations that still have not become part of an application form. And that is natural, the unfortunate the reality is that we all know it but never acknowledge.
This is one film which is not about stereotypes. About the adolescent boys trying to fell mangoes from a tree in one frame and trying to fantasize the girl next door or their teacher the next. This one is a serious film, about adolescence and the many realities of it. Some tick the boxes of the form and some search for a place in the form. The world calls them names, those who search for the boxes. They have a name but still depend on the public sentiment to reveal their real name.
This one is a fabulous movie, not everyone would like. The music, of a guitar that is heard in the background is amazing. It captures the pulse of the movie amazingly.
Overall, this is a must watch for those of us for whom sex is exotic and sexuality is a couple of boxes in forms.
Amazing movie, And lovely treatment of the script by the director which translates to a SuperWatch, if you are sensitive about things
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