Language: English
Actors: Viggo Mortensen, William Hurt, Ed Harris, Maria Bello
Director: David Cronenberg
Screenplay (Adaptation): Josh Olson
An adaptation of the novel of the same name written by John Wagner & Vince Locke. As the name suggests it is a crime thriller.
The story works on a simple premise, the tried and tested "once a bad man who tries to be a good man is pulled back to his bad ways by circumstances". The one subtle difference here is that the man is pulled into the crime muddle inadvertently, when he kills two robbers in self-defence, he becomes the small town’s hero overnight. The new found fame gets his old pals back to him and then the bloody drama unfolds.
While the premise might look similar, the storyline and the treatment are refreshingly different from the “once a baddie, now a goodie, pulled back into badness stories” we are familiar with.
William Hurt appears for less than 9 minutes in the movie, he was nominated for the best supporting actor Oscars in the 78th edition. Though I personally liked Viggo Mortensen’s portrayal of the protagonist, Tom Stall / Joey Cusack. A docile family man from a small town in a frame and the bloodthirsty, ruthless mobster in the second.
The one thing I didn’t like / understand is the need for a full frontal exposure in a scene (the heroine does it, if that interests you and would spur you to watch this movie !!). That particular scene for me is like the foreign location dream sequences in Indian cinema, meaningless.
Good movie to watch.
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